Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dream within a dream

I thought the poem was really confusing he loses me with the way he speaks. To me it makes me think of a typical love poem. All this talk about dreams within dreams and how love can take you to that state of Euphoria where you can't tell if it's a dream or real life because it feels so real and so tangible even though you know it's a dream your mind wants it to be real.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Vocab 9/17/12

1. allude-to refer to something the author thinks you should know

clairvoyant- able to read mind

3.conclusive- final or decisive. to conclude

4.disreputable- of a poor reputation

5.endemic- native to an enviorment

6.exemplary-Serving as a desirable model; representing the best of its kind

7.fathom- nodical measure of depth. to understand


9. Integrity- doing what you say your gonna do.

10.itinerary-trip schedule or plan

11.misconstrue-to misunderstand

12.obnoxious-rude, loud annoying

13.placate- to calm down


15.plagiarism-taking someones writing without consent of the author

16.potent-powerful, strong

17.pretext- an excuse. text before the text

18.protrude-to speakout

19.stark-easy to see
