Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I'm a poet and I know it!

Time to write another whack-ass-verse,
Rehearse this shit that I speak, so meek, like a rat under the sink. CREEEEEEEEEEEK! Watchout looks like we let the out the rat, someone go grab the cat-in-the-hat. " Meow" mr cat I like your hat, I like your fat, and I like your mat you set down. Dang cat you sure are chunky, little fat cat can't move cause he eats to much. (frown). LOVELY, Now i have a fat cat, you should see him get on the scales. Holy crap Cat how do you expect to get any of the females ? Kitty youll be so lonely youll run yourself off the rails. So there's the Kitty going crazy while franks just being lazy and no one remembers this cause your memories to hazy but I like my donuts glazy so get to it. By the wayzee I'm out cause this poem is hard but that's okay-see, It took an hour but I made a poem. Now I'm fresh like Edgar Allen Po -hyms that I speak on this paper, so you can read it later, please don't be a hater. K bye I love you

Greatly appreciated. I know that it was lame but it's better than some of the poems I read so.... Yeah.... Go frank

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