Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Question to everyone in Dr. Prestons Amercan liturature class, Dr. Preston himself, or One of the T A's. Just anyone related that happens to be looking at this.

Do you think it would be cool if every week when we get our new vocab list we (the class or people in the class who can, or like to, write poems) could have the option of writing a poem with vocabulary words included and receive a small amount of extra credit.


  1. Hey there! I will definitely talk to him about this. I know you can make the vocab into any version you would like to to help you remember. As for the extra credit though I am not too sure. I love your ideas though. Really fantastic. Yet I do not think your blog outline really describes you personality all too well. But keep up the great work and try adding more detail. Just a heads up, virtual TA's are now online and checking on your blogs on a regular. Best of luck!

  2. Preston generally doesn't go for extra credit. His response is usually along the lines of "start out getting regular credit!" But you're pretty on top of things. You could hack your typical vocabulary assignment and do that instead.then your get credit and stuff for it
